
In reality, players can perform critical hit damage, special Kit abilities, stomp damage, splash potion damage, chunk damage, and packet damage (e.g. massive fall damage), such that they die much quicker. But imagine if you could craft more soup? So long as you had the raw ingredients (bowls, red & brown mushrooms) from your inventory your hit points shall extend.
The result is that your player will last by the amount of mushrooms that you have collected from the ground.
A.) Raw Ingredients of crafting Mushrooms Stew.
B.) Crafting bowls for soup.
Figure 1.0: The Principles of Crafting Soup on a working bench (crafting table) (Notch, 2011).
How much soup is too much?
Most SMP games will not linger past the 60 minute mark (even moderators do not stay that long). You will be either transported to a PIT, cornucopia, death match, arena, or booted off by the mods. It is therefore important to collect a decent amount of soup at any time (before Iron Armoring Up).
You probably want (Timeline):
- In the beginning of the game you probably need a minimum of 16 brown & red mushrooms + 5-6 blocks of wood to give you a decent chance of survival.
- By the 5 minute mark, it would be ideal to: craft a wooden pick-axe, craft a working bench, craft 16 pieces of wooden sticks, craft 12 or more bowls (See Figure 1.0b), collect 5 blocks of cobble stone, craft a stone sword, craft a stone pick-axe and lastly craft 16 soups with 7 of those soups in the hotkey (Figure 1.0a).
- At the 20 minute mark, you better have an almost entire inventory of soup and excess of mushrooms to make 9 extra soups for any future pvp battles.
- At the 30 minute mark you should have a full set of iron armour from mining and smelting + an excess of mushrooms to make 16 extra soups.
- Any teamed players that you vs with your player in the future should have an excess of mushrooms to make 30 soups between the 40 - 60 minute mark.
Limitations in Crafting Soup?
As you maybe aware, the other recipes to craft the various types of soup from bukkit plugins are not known to the vanilla Minecraft version. Cactus Juice, Milk, Apple, Chocolate, Beef, Sugar Soups all utilise an array of different ingredients and creating a custom macro recipe would be too time consuming for one application.
Figure 2.0: The minimalist approach of crafting more soup (no working bench needed). You just need a crafting grid (Notch, 2011).
Therefore, the minimalist approach (Figure 2.0) should always be used in crafting extra soup in battle because the recipe for mushroom stew is engrained in the Vanilla Minecraft. When the time is needed a total of 9 extra soup should be crafted to prolong the battle.
Macro / Keybind Mod:
A.) Manual Soup Crafting.
The first type of soup crafting consists of a simple command to create an allotment of 15 extra soups. It only works with the raw ingredients of red & brown mushrooms + bowls. If it is missing or has insufficient resources it will display "No More Resources." Depending on the POV, this macro might advantageously fill in the hotkey with extra soup immediately (if emptied) or fill in the inventory soup quickly. You might need to manually activate a refill macro to replace the hotkey with the extra soup. Overall, I highly recommend the manual approach in crafting more soup. Any automated method would require too excessive time for the player to stand still for the refilling process.

Source Code:
B.) AutoSoup with AutoRefill + AutoCraft + AutoSword:
Description: Here the final macro code for an AutoSoup that both AutoRefills and AutoCrafts when the hitpoints of the player is below
13 (6.5 hearts) and returns to a sword hotkey as a default (AutoSword). The specific dynamics of this macro crafts 1 extra soup provided that it has the resources and refills the hotkey with an extra soup after healing.The only negative in this type of macro is the time delay as a result of both refilling and crafting an extra soup during battle. The result of such delays cause the player to halt in the midst of battle each time the AutoSoup triggers. This may not be ideal in normal pvp battles and thus I recommend manual inputs for crafting more soup when you only have a few seconds breather.

Source Code:
IF(HEALTH <= 13);
IF(HEALTH <= 13);
A.) Plugins that work with AutoSoup:
Most Kitpvp plugins that run instasoup, bettastew, pvpsoup, or manysoups work well with the lines of codes that help manipulate the AutoSoup. This could include fast clickers designed to quickly select and utilise an item. Another option is the timer hack designed to decrease the set intervals between each souping. This greatly helps support the character in moving quickly without lagging in healing.
B.) Plugins that work against AutoSoup:
The most common approach to detect the presence of AutoSoup is with the bukkit plugin "No Cheat Pack" or "No Cheat Plus." Running autonomously in the background, the NCP gives out a series of chat responses to tell the OP or Mods that it detects/suspects the presence of a player that is using AutoSoup. Using the OP commands, the OP/mods can then use the ban list to manually remove these players with a written reason for doing so. The player is then disconnected and banned from all the servers.
Overall, this ends the lesson. I hope this has been a bit insightful in teaching you the dynamics of how the various types of AutoSoups work. This last chapter on crafting extra soup is essential in advanced players surviving long term pvp battles. It is at this point that if another player has managed to defeat your AutoSoup, it is likely they have flipped a ton of cheats (a hacked client) to gain an advantage or teamed with 2 or more players to flank you. The lesson learn? There will always a probability of being defeated even when you yourself are cheating. Just keep playing and be patient.
Of course, by either Troll or Noob logic, even when you are playing legit, there will be always players that will accuse you of cheating of AutoSouping when in reality you are manually souping. The Last Article Page is devoted to....
.... Gen 0 AutoSoup: Otherwise known as Manual Souping.....
- Persson., Markus "Notch". (2011). Minecraft. Minecraft. 1.7.4. Retrieved 29/12/2013, 2013, from
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