
- The emptied hotkey slots allows players to easily grab the spoils of recently dead player's soup dropped on the ground. In doing so, the player can immediately pvp battle other enemy teammates. They will think you cheated by creating soup from thin air!
- If you are in PVP battle, the QuickDropping of bowls into their "grill" (proximity) will sometimes clog their hotkey slots!

- The act of 'dropping' in Minecraft can cause of lot of grief. When manually souping and fast dropping, the sword gets accidentally thrown on occasion to other players. Thus making you look like an incompetent PVP Noob.
- The same thing happens when a combination of bad server lag and too short delay (Sleep or Wait time) is inputted into your macro.
- Because of the longer sleep or wait times inserted into the macro, the total speed of the AutoSoup will be slower as well. Thus, expect teamed players to combo-attack to pierce through the AutoSoup with quickdrop.
- Although comparable to manual fastdropping bowls, autodropping can be a dead giveaway for AutoSouping. When moving about the battlefield, expect bowls to be dropped everywhere and other players will infer that you're cheating.
- You might run out of empty bowls as a result of scattering/dropping bowls everywhere without recollecting them. Hence, crafting more soup will be next to impossible; decreasing your total souping hit points.
What is Refilling?
Otherwise known as AutoRefilling, this is the process of either switching empty bowls on the hotkey with soups in the player inventory or filling in soups from in inventory to the empty spaces on the hotkey. Both of these approaches can be performed by a macro, mods, or hacked client(s).
There are different types of macro refill designs. These include:
- The ability to refill with one replacement soup every time your health reaches below 6.5 hearts (13 hit points).
- The ability to refill with one replacement soup and craft one extra soup (if you have the requirements) every time your health reaches below 6.5 hearts (13 hit points).
- The ability to to fill the an emptied hotkey with soups from the inventory (ideal).
- The ability to replace the entire hotkey of emptied bowls with soups from the inventory (recommended). This allows you to use an interval attack while pre-loading soup when necessary.
- The more soup you have the more theoretical hit points your player has. The normal hit points of a player is 20 hit points. The normal stone sword damage is 7.0 hit point damage. Given that there is a penalty hit rate of 0.5 second during battle, expect them to die within 5- 6 seconds (assuming no critical hits).
- With the entire inventory (27 inventory slots) full of soup and 7 soups in your hotkey, you have a total theoretical hit points of 119 hit points (59.2 hearts). Expect this battle with a Stone Sword Player to last between 18 -22 seconds (again, assuming no critical hit damage).
- Unless you are using a hacked client with timers or fast clickers, macro's that refill your hotkey can cause delays in the way you pvp battle. Expect the Inventory Gui to pop (interfere with gameplay) on the screen depending on which type of refill macro or mod you're using.
- Also, like quickdropping, the longer total sleep or wait times inserted will decrease the speed of the player and the AutoSoup. Expect, teamed players to take advantage of this to bypass your AutoSoup and kill you (refill hacks do not have these problems).
- The most obvious disadvantage in refilling is the lack of "swag" items in your hotkey and inventory because of the filled soup inventory. Expect a simple PVP battle to be fine. But in reality you will need a minimum of a pick axe, a shovel, torches, extra swords, cobblestone, dirt blocks, red mushrooms, brown mushrooms, and empty bowls.
Note: As of now, 1.7.4 release has been distributed. Therefore, 1.6.4 bukkit servers and plugins are incompatible with 1.7.4. This also means that 1.6.4 mods are incompatible with 1.7.4 as well. If you intend to use 1.6.4 mods, you will have to find a server that has both PVP soup/instasoup and bukkit compatible. Also 1.7.4 Forge/Modloader has not yet been released and needs to re-coded to allow future mods to work. Expect future delays for Minecraft Mods to work.
Mods are modification files designed to change the behavior of gameplay on the client side. Similar to patch files, the Minecraft launcher loads these mod files using a modified environment (additional java coding). Some mods are specifically designed for cheating while others are ergonomically designed to improve gameplay in Minecraft.
1.6.4 Mods:
Inventory Tweak Mod:
This client mod is designed to tweak the hell out of the inventory and sorting system in Minecraft (Wan, 2012). Using the fast click mod (hack) in the internal system, items can be customizable sorted into selected slots, weapons/tools can be replaced when inventory weapons/tools are near damaged or when broken, semi-autonomously stack all items to a selected slot in the hotkey/inventory with a keybind, and chests/crafting table gui's can be customised for row/column sorting. This type of item replacement is also a type of Auto-refilling, but much faster thanks to the mod. Another advantage is that this refilling is not exclusive to just soups, but also other items as well.
Installation Instruction:
Macro /Keybind Mod
The Macro/Keybind is potentially the most powerful mod for tweaking the world of Minecraft.... it just needs to be taught!!
The principle in how the Macro/Keybind mod works is that it runs lines of codes/scripts into the Minecraft environment in C# language. What makes it different from other macro's is that it has a better response time than 3rd party automation software because it is now tethered to the Minecraft controls. Wait times between each action are principally slower because they need to override and input keystrokes. With an inbuilt macro you can now switch between normal and override functions. Also, multiple macro's can be used to allow an array of simultaneous functions.
Installation Instruction:
This client mod is designed to tweak the hell out of the inventory and sorting system in Minecraft (Wan, 2012). Using the fast click mod (hack) in the internal system, items can be customizable sorted into selected slots, weapons/tools can be replaced when inventory weapons/tools are near damaged or when broken, semi-autonomously stack all items to a selected slot in the hotkey/inventory with a keybind, and chests/crafting table gui's can be customised for row/column sorting. This type of item replacement is also a type of Auto-refilling, but much faster thanks to the mod. Another advantage is that this refilling is not exclusive to just soups, but also other items as well.
Installation Instruction:
- Make sure to download the latest JDK or Java 1.7 Runtime from the Sun Website.
- Go to the Files Forge Website to download the latest version of Forge/Modloader installer (not SRC).
- Install Minecraft Forge (Double Click on the Installer jar file).
- Go to either: or to download the Inventory Tweaks mod.
- Move the inventorytweak.jar file to the C:\users\____\AppData\Roaming\minecraft\mods\
- Activate the Minecraft Launcher and create a new Profile.
- Choose Minecraft Forge in the Use Version Profile and save.
- Play Minecraft and voila.
- The Mod can be modified in the settings buttons on the bottom left in the inventory or the chest gui.
- Advance Option: Go to the Config to change the invtweaks.txt file.
Macro /Keybind Mod
The Macro/Keybind is potentially the most powerful mod for tweaking the world of Minecraft.... it just needs to be taught!!
The principle in how the Macro/Keybind mod works is that it runs lines of codes/scripts into the Minecraft environment in C# language. What makes it different from other macro's is that it has a better response time than 3rd party automation software because it is now tethered to the Minecraft controls. Wait times between each action are principally slower because they need to override and input keystrokes. With an inbuilt macro you can now switch between normal and override functions. Also, multiple macro's can be used to allow an array of simultaneous functions.
Installation Instruction:
- Make sure to download the latest JDK or Java 1.7 Runtime from the Sun Website.
- Go to the Files Forge Website to download the latest version of Forge/Modloader installer (not SRC).
- Install Minecraft Forge (Double Click on the Installer jar file).
- Go to: to download the Liteloader.exe API (Machines, 2011).
- Go to: to download the Macro / Keybind mod (Mummery, 2011).
- Install Liteloader.exe API and select to cascade to Forge for compatibility to the mod.
- Move the mod_macros_0.9.11_for_1.6.4 file to the C:\users\____\AppData\Roaming\minecraft\mods\
- Activate the Minecraft Launcher and create a new Profile.
- Choose the Liteloader release in the Use Version Profile and save.
- Play Minecraft and voila.
- Pressed down the sneak and ~ buttons together to activate the Macro Settings menu.
- Optional: press the ~ to activate the override mode to use keybinds that have secondary functions.
Example #1: Basic AutoSouping
Description: The AutoSoup Code below is the simplest and efficient AutoSoup macro. The Installation.txt is below. An explanation of the macro is shown in the Source Code below: with it auto triggering when the player's health reaches equal or below
13 hit points (6.5 hearts), it picks out the Minecraft Meta-id item 282 which is the Soup on the hotkey, it then creates a simulated key press of the right mouse button to use the soup, an autosword with the pick function to any wooden, stone, iron or diamond sword, and a 1ms sleep time. This code, compared to the third party AutoSoup, is much faster but it has compatibility issues with future Minecraft releases.
Source Code:
if(%HEALTH% <= 13);
Example #2:Refilling
Description: Here is a basic Refilling Macro that is keybind to the middle mouse button. Its design is to manually request for an entire hotkey of soup by replacing every empty bowl with the inventory soup while lastly having an AutoSword to put you back into the best possible position. The Getslot command searches for the nearest available soup from the top right of the inventory, selected, and finally shift clicked from that slot to the hotkey. Note: this macro causes an instantaneous halt in your player as opening/closing the inventory gui can not be done while moving. Expect to spam the forward button to re-sprint. An advantage in manually refilling is the ability count the 'magazines' of soups still available in your inventory before crafting the necessary extra soups for gameplay.
Source Code:
Example #3: AutoSoup with Refill
Description: Warning... Not a Perfect AutoSoup... read below...
Here is the amalgamation of the above macro's for AutoSoup with the Refilling code. The result is that you can now theoretically survive 18-24 seconds against a Stone Sword player in a pvp battle.
i.e. Each time your player's health reaches equal or below
13 hit points (6.5 hearts) you heal
3.5 hearts in health while an extra soup replaces that emptied bowl from your inventory. The bad news is that the each time you AutoSoup, your player halts in movement to initiate that instant refill (inventory opens/closes); causing you to re-adjust your movement each time.
In this respect, if maybe better to just use the above macro's in conjunction with each other than just using this AutoSoup with Refill macro. Most pvp battles are similar to jousting whereby the player is knocked backwards thanks to knock-back. Manually refilling with an AutoSoup allows the player a quicker response times to react and move accordingly.
Source Code:
IF(HEALTH <= 13);
Overall, I highly recommend using the Macro / Keybind Mod if it is compatible with the latest release of Minecraft for AutoSouping purposes. It has the advantage of working in conjunction with any other Forge Mods because of being chained it; thus opening new possibilities over hacked client(s). Also, because the No Cheat Plus plugin detects the presence of AutoSoup's from hacked client(s), these macro's are relatively safe to use.
One disadvantage that has yet to be mentioned is that by being very specific in AutoSouping in these macro's, you can not AutoHeal by items without re-writing the codes. i.e. AutoHealPotion or AutoSplashHealPotion can not be used unless rewriting the meta-id for the macro's.
If you have been fed up with playing fair.... It's Time to Cheat... Click Me....
Description: The AutoSoup Code below is the simplest and efficient AutoSoup macro. The Installation.txt is below. An explanation of the macro is shown in the Source Code below: with it auto triggering when the player's health reaches equal or below
13 hit points (6.5 hearts), it picks out the Minecraft Meta-id item 282 which is the Soup on the hotkey, it then creates a simulated key press of the right mouse button to use the soup, an autosword with the pick function to any wooden, stone, iron or diamond sword, and a 1ms sleep time. This code, compared to the third party AutoSoup, is much faster but it has compatibility issues with future Minecraft releases.

Source Code:
if(%HEALTH% <= 13);
Example #2:Refilling
Description: Here is a basic Refilling Macro that is keybind to the middle mouse button. Its design is to manually request for an entire hotkey of soup by replacing every empty bowl with the inventory soup while lastly having an AutoSword to put you back into the best possible position. The Getslot command searches for the nearest available soup from the top right of the inventory, selected, and finally shift clicked from that slot to the hotkey. Note: this macro causes an instantaneous halt in your player as opening/closing the inventory gui can not be done while moving. Expect to spam the forward button to re-sprint. An advantage in manually refilling is the ability count the 'magazines' of soups still available in your inventory before crafting the necessary extra soups for gameplay.

Source Code:
Example #3: AutoSoup with Refill
Description: Warning... Not a Perfect AutoSoup... read below...
Here is the amalgamation of the above macro's for AutoSoup with the Refilling code. The result is that you can now theoretically survive 18-24 seconds against a Stone Sword player in a pvp battle.
i.e. Each time your player's health reaches equal or below
13 hit points (6.5 hearts) you heal
3.5 hearts in health while an extra soup replaces that emptied bowl from your inventory. The bad news is that the each time you AutoSoup, your player halts in movement to initiate that instant refill (inventory opens/closes); causing you to re-adjust your movement each time.
In this respect, if maybe better to just use the above macro's in conjunction with each other than just using this AutoSoup with Refill macro. Most pvp battles are similar to jousting whereby the player is knocked backwards thanks to knock-back. Manually refilling with an AutoSoup allows the player a quicker response times to react and move accordingly.

Source Code:
IF(HEALTH <= 13);
Overall, I highly recommend using the Macro / Keybind Mod if it is compatible with the latest release of Minecraft for AutoSouping purposes. It has the advantage of working in conjunction with any other Forge Mods because of being chained it; thus opening new possibilities over hacked client(s). Also, because the No Cheat Plus plugin detects the presence of AutoSoup's from hacked client(s), these macro's are relatively safe to use.
One disadvantage that has yet to be mentioned is that by being very specific in AutoSouping in these macro's, you can not AutoHeal by items without re-writing the codes. i.e. AutoHealPotion or AutoSplashHealPotion can not be used unless rewriting the meta-id for the macro's.
If you have been fed up with playing fair.... It's Time to Cheat... Click Me....
- Wan., Jimeo. (2012). Inventory-Tweaks Mod. 1.56 (API). 2013, from
- Machines, Simple. (2011). MinecraftForge. Retrieved 26/12/2013, 2013, from
- Mummery-Smith, Adam. (2011). macro/keybind mod. The Minecraft: macro/Keybind Mod. version 0.8.5. Retrieved 27/12/2013, 2013, from
- ssttevee. (2012). Macro / Keybind mod forum. The Minecraft: Macro / keybind mod. Retrieved 27/12/2013, 2013, from
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