The First Type of AutoSoup Macro's are based on third party macro software.
They simulate a series of buttons pressed (i.e. assigns them as a macro) on the LWJGL or QWERTY 'onscreen' keyboard and overrides them with an assigned keybind. Technically they are not designed for gaming or business purposes; as they improve the productivity of user with a shortcut button. Autohotkey is a popular free automation software suitable for some game-play for Microsoft, Macintosh, or Linux users. Including the kitpvp Minecraft, it has seen applications in Quake, Day Z, and World of Warcraft. It sends over the commands for keystrokes, mouse clicks, movement buttons and pressed held buttons via an ahk file (script) or exe. To form an algorithm for an AutoSoup these macros utilise an IF and Else loop with a health

- This type AutoSoup can not be detected by No Cheat Mods as they are running as a third party application.
- They cannot be paused but they can be terminated quickly.
- They perform a better copy and paste text function than other mods for chatting.
- 'Autosword' can be coded and performed by placing a sword or weapon in hotkey position 1.
- Because these are third party software there no incompatibilities issues from past, current or future releases of Minecraft versions; unless instasoup is incompatible with future releases :-(.
- No increase in Lag as a result of the macro*.
- The AutoSoup Script file can be mobile (backed up) and given to others to use.
- They are dependent on an external script to work. Hence, they NEED to be turned on!! Don't forget!!!
- These macro's are actually semi-autonomous. They need an input from either a pressed or held down keybind during battle. Hence, the player needs another button.
- They are measurably slower than the other AutoSoup's. This is because the program 'sends' the commands via Keystrokes.
- "The Dropped Sword" glitch occurs when (1) you lower the sleep (delay) time below 200ms in the script file and the server receives lag or (2) you accidentally press the wheel mouse scroll during battle.
- The player is susceptible to kits** that switch the position of the the sword from hotkey position 1.
- During massive lag on servers, spamming the keybinds will have no effect on starting the AutoSoup.

- Use these Automation software if you really have to. Use AutoSoup Mods and other macros if you can.
Example #1: MacroSoup using AutoHotkey
Here is the example for MacroSouping; which is one better than manual souping. Negative: you run out of soup quick as you spam the keybind during battle; unnecessarily consuming soup even if you take 1 hit point damage! Another negative is the empty bowls left in the hotkey serving no purpose.

Source Code:
Send {3}
Sleep 100
Send {RButton} {1}
Send {4}
Sleep 100
Send {RButton} {1}
Send {5}
Sleep 100
Send {RButton} {1}
Send {6}
Sleep 100
Send {RButton} {1}
Send {7}
Sleep 100
Send {RButton} {1}
Send {8}
Sleep 100
Send {RButton} {1}
Send {9}
Sleep 100
Send {RButton} {1}
Example #2: MacroSoup with FastDrop (bowl dropping).
... And here's one better with FastDrop with every consumption of a soup. Positive: FastDropping the emptied bowls allows you to quickly refill with soup from your inventory. Negative: Same problems with macrosouping. In combination with server lag in SMP, the sword may more commonly drop accidentally using this macro.

Example #3: AutoSoup with ImageSearch.
Finally, we reach a working AutoSoup. With a pressed down keybind, the macro will shoot when the health bar reaches below
6 hearts (12 health hit points). This AutoSoup works by using ImageSearch which scans for a .bmp, .png or .jpg file in a designated folder and checks the screen for that image before activating a macro. In this case the AutoSoup initiates when less than
4 hearts image is detected. Positive: You do not have to constantly spam the keybind. Therefore less multitasking during battle. Negative: The macro has a tendency to shoot when it first is executed and when a similar overlay terrain is seen in the chunk. Also because of the sensitivity of the image, it only scans for a rectangular or square image which overlays other colours (e.g. terrain). Light conditions also affects the detection as it changes the contrast of the screen. It will only work in a fully lit and day time battle. Therefore, it needs to have slightly altered image to work on the battle terrain.
Overall, I would not recommend this type of AutoSoup macro.

Example #4: AutoSoup with PixelGetColor.
This is where AutoHotkey works it's magic. By searching for a single pixel colour on the screen, you can use a binary algorithm for the AutoSoup to detect if your hearts reaches below
6.5 hearts (13 health hit points). i.e. if you your health is sufficiently high it will do nothing (off) or if your health is below a minimum amount it will consume soup til you reach full hearts (on). A consumption of any soup with a server that has the instasoup plugin will heal
3.5 hearts. Hence after
full hearts is obtained it will stop healing/consuming more soup. The only problem now is the colour the screen. Make sure that Windows Aero is turned off. Make sure that the screen is running 16 bits colour or higher. True Colour setting might affect colour detection, so turn it off. Light Conditions still interfere with the AutoSoup as it too also affects the colour on the screen.
Positive: No more dependencies on an external .bmp, .jpg or .png file. It is fairly sensitive so it works on any chunk. Negative: You still have to press-hold a keybind to 'check' if you hit points is below the threshold.

Example #5: Finalised AutoSoup.
Lastly, here is an AutoSoup that runs completely autonomously so long as the macro file is executed.It can still utilise manually keybind input to 'check' if the health is below a certain hit point. Hotkey Slot 1 is reserved for the AutoSword function and Hotkey Slot 2 is reserved for a compass to find/track other players in SMP server games. The key to this AutoSoup than from Example 4 is the inclusion of the PixelGetColor function at every souping step. Each time the player's hearts is below 6, a soup will be consumed, but it will also check if the hearts has been healed above the level. It is above 6 hearts, it will loop back to the standby step. Also, because this is a true AutoSoup, you can now place more emphasise in concentrating in pvp battles.
Positive: It works! No more pressing or holding down keybinds. Technically, this is not just an AutoSoup macro but also a AutoSplash Potion as well. If you have Healing Splash Potion(s), this macro will heal the player so long as you are have healing splash potion(s) in the hotkey and pointing downwards. If you have Negative Splash Potion(s) (instant damage, weakness, slowness), this macro will cast a negative effect on other player(s) so long as you have that potion in the hotkey and pointing towards them. Negative: .It still needs to be alligned with the defaulted loaded screen. Just make sure you don't move it. It does not include quickdropping, but this is to reduce errors and the dropped sword glitch. Lighting still is a factor for the AutoSoup to work since it searches for colour of a single pixel (no way around it). So don't expect this work while underground or in a cave!
P.S I have also coded an AutoSprint as well. "Run, Forest... Run...."

Overall, it works but it is still constrained in not auto-refilling, quickdropping, or crafting more soup. AutoHotkey simply can not performed these tasks without some massive delays or errors.
.... which is why we introduce.... Gen 2: Refilling and QuickDrop....
- Gray, Chris Mallett; Steve. (2013). AutoHotkey. Retrieved 11 October 2013, 2013, from
** An example of such a kit is in SMP gamers, such as minecraftpvp with the free Monk Kit which is capable of randomly switching items from the hotkey and inventory when the player attacks with a Monk rod.
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